Sampling: 64 out of 201 species have genetic data (in bold)
Species list
- Anarchias seychellensis
- Echidna catenata
- Echidna nebulosa
- Echidna polyzona
- Echidna xanthospilos
- Enchelycore anatina
- Enchelycore bayeri
- Enchelycore carychroa
- Enchelycore nigricans
- Enchelynassa canina
- Gymnomuraena zebra
- Gymnothorax australicola
- Gymnothorax bacalladoi
- Gymnothorax buroensis
- Gymnothorax castaneus
- Gymnothorax chilospilus
- Gymnothorax elegans
- Gymnothorax eurostus
- Gymnothorax favagineus
- Gymnothorax fimbriatus
- Gymnothorax flavimarginatus
- Gymnothorax funebris
- Gymnothorax fuscomaculatus
- Gymnothorax hepaticus
- Gymnothorax isingteena
- Gymnothorax javanicus
- Gymnothorax kidako
- Gymnothorax maderensis
- Gymnothorax margaritophorus
- Gymnothorax melatremus
- Gymnothorax meleagris
- Gymnothorax miliaris
- Gymnothorax moringa
- Gymnothorax nudivomer
- Gymnothorax ocellatus
- Gymnothorax pictus
- Gymnothorax polygonius
- Gymnothorax polyuranodon
- Gymnothorax prionodon
- Gymnothorax pseudothyrsoideus
- Gymnothorax punctatus
- Gymnothorax reevesii
- Gymnothorax reticularis
- Gymnothorax richardsonii
- Gymnothorax rueppelliae
- Gymnothorax saxicola
- Gymnothorax undulatus
- Gymnothorax unicolor
- Gymnothorax vicinus
- Gymnothorax zonipectis
- Muraena argus
- Muraena augusti
- Muraena helena
- Muraena lentiginosa
- Muraena melanotis
- Muraena robusta
- Pseudechidna brummeri
- Rhinomuraena quaesita
- Scuticaria okinawae
- Scuticaria tigrina
- Strophidon sathete
- Uropterygius macularius
- Uropterygius micropterus
- Uropterygius xanthopterus
- Anarchias allardicei
- Anarchias cantonensis
- Anarchias euryurus
- Anarchias exulatus
- Anarchias galapagensis
- Anarchias leucurus
- Anarchias longicauda
- Anarchias schultzi
- Anarchias similis
- Anarchias supremus
- Channomuraena bauchotae
- Channomuraena vittata
- Cirrimaxilla formosa
- Diaphenchelys pelonates
- Echidna amblyodon
- Echidna delicatula
- Echidna leucotaenia
- Echidna nocturna
- Echidna peli
- Echidna rhodochilus
- Echidna unicolor
- Enchelycore bikiniensis
- Enchelycore kamara
- Enchelycore lichenosa
- Enchelycore nycturanus
- Enchelycore octaviana
- Enchelycore pardalis
- Enchelycore ramosa
- Enchelycore schismatorhynchus
- Enchelycore tamarae
- Gymnothorax afer
- Gymnothorax albimarginatus
- Gymnothorax angusticauda
- Gymnothorax angusticeps
- Gymnothorax annasona
- Gymnothorax annulatus
- Gymnothorax atolli
- Gymnothorax austrinus
- Gymnothorax baranesi
- Gymnothorax bathyphilus
- Gymnothorax berndti
- Gymnothorax breedeni
- Gymnothorax castlei
- Gymnothorax cephalospilus
- Gymnothorax chlamydatus
- Gymnothorax conspersus
- Gymnothorax cribroris
- Gymnothorax davidsmithi
- Gymnothorax dorsalis
- Gymnothorax dovii
- Gymnothorax emmae
- Gymnothorax enigmaticus
- Gymnothorax equatorialis
- Gymnothorax eurygnathos
- Gymnothorax flavoculus
- Gymnothorax formosus
- Gymnothorax gracilicauda
- Gymnothorax griseus
- Gymnothorax hansi
- Gymnothorax herrei
- Gymnothorax hubbsi
- Gymnothorax intesi
- Gymnothorax johnsoni
- Gymnothorax kolpos
- Gymnothorax kontodontos
- Gymnothorax longinquus
- Gymnothorax mareei
- Gymnothorax marshallensis
- Gymnothorax mccoskeri
- Gymnothorax megaspilus
- Gymnothorax melanosomatus
- Gymnothorax microspila
- Gymnothorax microstictus
- Gymnothorax minor
- Gymnothorax moluccensis
- Gymnothorax monochrous
- Gymnothorax monostigma
- Gymnothorax mordax
- Gymnothorax nasuta
- Gymnothorax neglectus
- Gymnothorax nigromarginatus
- Gymnothorax niphostigmus
- Gymnothorax nubilus
- Gymnothorax nuttingi
- Gymnothorax obesus
- Gymnothorax panamensis
- Gymnothorax parini
- Gymnothorax phalarus
- Gymnothorax phasmatodes
- Gymnothorax philippinus
- Gymnothorax pikei
- Gymnothorax pindae
- Gymnothorax polyspondylus
- Gymnothorax porphyreus
- Gymnothorax prasinus
- Gymnothorax prismodon
- Gymnothorax prolatus
- Gymnothorax pseudoherrei
- Gymnothorax punctatofasciatus
- Gymnothorax randalli
- Gymnothorax robinsi
- Gymnothorax sagenodeta
- Gymnothorax sagmacephalus
- Gymnothorax serratidens
- Gymnothorax shaoi
- Gymnothorax sokotrensis
- Gymnothorax steindachneri
- Gymnothorax taiwanensis
- Gymnothorax thyrsoideus
- Gymnothorax tile
- Gymnothorax vagrans
- Gymnothorax verrilli
- Gymnothorax walvisensis
- Gymnothorax woodwardi
- Gymnothorax ypsilon
- Monopenchelys acuta
- Muraena appendiculata
- Muraena clepsydra
- Muraena pavonina
- Muraena retifera
- Uropterygius concolor
- Uropterygius fasciolatus
- Uropterygius fuscoguttatus
- Uropterygius genie
- Uropterygius golanii
- Uropterygius inornatus
- Uropterygius kamar
- Uropterygius macrocephalus
- Uropterygius marmoratus
- Uropterygius nagoensis
- Uropterygius oligospondylus
- Uropterygius polyspilus
- Uropterygius polystictus
- Uropterygius supraforatus
- Uropterygius versutus
- Uropterygius wheeleri
- Uropterygius xenodontus
Fossil calibrations
No internal fossil calibrations are available for this group.
- Class
- Actinopteri
- Subclass
- Neopterygii
- Infraclass
- Teleostei
- Megacohort
- Elopocephalai
- Supercohort
- Elopocephala
- Cohort
- Elopomorpha
- Order
- Anguilliformes
- Family
- Muraenidae
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Sequence data
Phylip sequences for Muraenidae
Nexus file for Muraenidae (includes character partitions and phylogeny)